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Ashley Mongrain
Apr 7
Dark Water Daughter (The Winter Sea #1 ) | Review
This book initially captured my attention with the promise of pirates and ships, because that is one of my favourite concepts...
Ashley Mongrain
Mar 12
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight | Review
I'd never seen nor heard of this book before, but I was in the mood to read horror and this one was available to read at my library so I gra
Ashley Mongrain
Mar 11
Come Closer | Review
This is a rather short book, and thus my review will be equally as short as to give you as little information about this book as possible.
Ashley Mongrain
Mar 11
I'm Glad My Mom Died | Review
How does one rate and review someone's actual life story?
Ashley Mongrain
Mar 11
Haunting Adeline (Cat & Mouse #1) | Review
I knew, I fully knew, going into this that this wasn't going to be for me, but I naturally had to give it a shot.
Ashley Mongrain
Feb 21
The September House | Review
A Goodreads nominee for best horror, I had mixed feelings going into this.
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