Ashley MongrainDec 17, 2020From Here to Eternity This is the 3rd and final book in my journey to read Doughty's books.
Ashley MongrainDec 15, 2020Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Book #2 in my journey to read Caitlin Doughty's novels.
Ashley MongrainDec 13, 2020Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?Fun for all ages. When the dedication for this book says "To future corpses of all ages," I knew I was going to enjoy her humour.
Ashley MongrainDec 11, 2020Cemetery Boys Alright, so, I overall enjoyed the book but there were some things that made me bump my rating down a bit.
Ashley MongrainDec 7, 2020The Invisible Life of Addie LaRueI kind of wish I could forget this story like how everyone forgets Addie...because I didn't really like this.
Ashley MongrainDec 1, 2020To Sleep in a Sea of Stars So, aside from the ending that felt like a fever dream, this was a solid sci-fi read.