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Ashley Mongrain
May 13, 2020
To Kill a Kingdom
I was really excited to read this because I had such a great time reading Daughter of the Pirate King, and this sounded like it was in the s

Ashley Mongrain
May 13, 2020
Under the Aegis
I loved this so much. I starting reading it at night and had to force myself to stop reading and go to sleep because it was so good. At 85 e

Ashley Mongrain
May 8, 2020
My eyes were glued to the pages because of how entranced I was. Even after finishing the book, I sat there just thinking about what I just r

Ashley Mongrain
May 5, 2020
The Ten Thousand Doors of January
This book had so much promise as the plot sounded intriguing, but unfortunately I didn't really enjoy reading this. I almost DNFed it but ke

Ashley Mongrain
Apr 29, 2020
The Starless Sea
Having tried to read The Night Circus twice and ultimately putting it down, I was hesitant about giving this a try. I find that a lot of peo

Ashley Mongrain
Apr 24, 2020
Milk and Honey
I don’t know how to go about rating a book like this, so I won’t. I don’t feel that’s it’s right to rate something so raw and visceral and p

Ashley Mongrain
Apr 23, 2020
I would like to say this worked for me, but as the second book that takes inspiration from fairy tales that I didn't really like, that is ju

Ashley Mongrain
Apr 20, 2020
Sorcery of Thorns
Two words - magical libraries. If that isn't enough to make you automatically put it on your TBR than I don't know what what will. I honestl
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