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Ashley Mongrain
Oct 6, 2020
Red Queen
I originally gave this book 3-stars and writing this review months later, I honestly don't know why I gave it that high of a rating.

Ashley Mongrain
Sep 29, 2020
City of Bones
I went into this thinking I would like Clary for some reason, and I was dead wrong. This sums her up for me - "It wasn't unreasonable, but s

Ashley Mongrain
Sep 24, 2020
Wilder Girls
Going into this I was expecting something on the level of Junji Ito, but I got was a book that focused more on character relationships than

Ashley Mongrain
Sep 10, 2020
A Court of Mist and Fury
The main downside to this book - Tamlin and Feyre, the main upside to this book - Rhys.

Ashley Mongrain
Sep 6, 2020
Crown of Midnight
I don't actually have a lot to say about this book other than that I enjoyed it just as much as the first...

Ashley Mongrain
Aug 25, 2020
The Diviners
My feelings for this book are very complicated. I went into this with extremely high expectation because this seemed right up my alley.

Ashley Mongrain
Aug 21, 2020
The Bone Houses
This was such a gem. I didn't think I would like this as much as I did when I started reading it.

Ashley Mongrain
Aug 7, 2020
The fact that I almost DNFed this but pushed through and regretted it says a lot about how I feel about this book.
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