After taking a small break due to Christmas, I am back with my year-end content. Now with a new year is just around the corner, and with it comes the opportunity to compile a list of all the books I want to get to in 2022. I have such a long TBR, which makes it both easy and extremely hard to think of what books I want to get to within the year. A lot of the time I either have an extremely fixed TBR if I am doing a readathon, or I pick whatever catches my eye.
So, will I get to all of these books over the course of next year? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Here we go!

Brandon Sanderson
I seriously need to read some Brandon Sanderson this year. I have been wanting to start his Cosmere series for a while now, but just never got around to it because of how chunky they are. I also really want to continue reading the Skyward series. I read the first novel last year and loved it, but never ended up picking up the rest of the series because I hyped myself up too much. Nonetheless, this is definitely happening next year.

Robin Hobb
Another big fantasy name on this list, I have yet to dive into Robin Hobb. My hesitation is mostly due to the fact that what I really want to read from her is the Liveship Traders series (because ships), and to get to that I have to go through the Farseer Trilogy. Not saying that I don't want to read it, I just know that I will probably struggle through it a bit because I know Fitz is going to be put through the wringer.

The Bone Ships
I randomly discovered this book, probably due to the fact that it reminded me of the Liveship Traders book cover. The ships in this book though are built from the bones of ancient dragons... needless to say I immediately added this to my TBR because dragons people, dragons!

House of Leaves
I read this several years ago when I was in University, a time where I wasn't reading all that much. Now that I am reading a lot more, I really want to pick this up again since I only vaguely remember it. I think it will be the perfect book to immerse myself with, even though it is going to be extremely difficult to read as an ebook...

Alice Oseman
I read the first few volumes of Heartstopper last year, and I was completely enamoured with Nick and Charlie. Since then though, I have yet to pick up the next volume which is blasphemous on my part. I also want to pick up her novels since I have heard good things about them as well.

Megan Miranda
I read The Girl from Widow Hills last year and rather enjoyed it, so I made it a point to pick up another one of her books when I'm in the mood for a mystery this year.

Howl's Moving Castle
Having recently binge-watched a ton of Studio Ghibli movies recently, the strong urge to read this book only got stronger. I also just need more Howl in my life...

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
I've watched the Sleepy Hollow movie several times, but not once did it occur to me to read the book. To be fair, I didn't know that there was a book, but I want to give it a shot nonetheless. I also very rarely read books that came out pre-1990s, so this is my chance to get some classics in.

The Shadow of the Wind
I stumbled upon this book a while ago, and every once and a while it pops up again, but so far I have made no conscious effort to pick it up. A book about a mystery surrounding books sounds like something for me. I think the only reason I hesitate a bit is that the book is on the longer side, and I haven't had the time to read more lengthy books.

In Deeper Waters
A 2021 release that, I was, and still am, stoked by the premise of this novel. I always say that I need more books about pirates, and here is one right here (and an LGBTQ one to boot). I had this on my TBR a few times over the year, but never ended picking it up. That is probably because I am nervous that I will end up not liking it.

The Bright and Breaking Sea
As I said, I love the idea of a seafaring fantasy novel, and here we have another one. While I have seen this pop up every now and then, I haven't really seen anyone talk about it. That gives me the incentive to pick it up myself and see if it is worth the read. There are currently only two books as this is a relatively new series, or maybe it is just a duology, so it should be easy to get to this (theoretically).

Ink and Bone
This series is called The Great Library, which is enough by itself to entice me. Anything in the same vein as A Sorcery of Thorns which involves a magical library is more than enough for me to give it a shot without needing to know more. It only has five books in the series, so it is definitely feasible to start and finish it next year.

The Invisible Library
Here we have another series revolving around a magical library. What makes this one even more intriguing is the fact that there are supposed to be secret societies in this, to which I say yes.

Prelude for Lost Souls
Another relatively new release, having come out in 2020, this got me with the first line of the synopsis. The town of St. Hilaire makes their living by talking to the dead, and I love me a good story that deals with the dead, so fingers crossed that the story holds up to its premise and beautiful cover.

V.E. Schwab
A repeat entry from this year's list, I am yet again going to attempt to read more V.E. Schwab. So far, I haven't had much success with her work. I've read her middle-grade series which was very meh, and I didn't enjoy The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue at all, so, hopefully, I will have better luck with her more fantasy-centric series. Or, maybe she is simply not the author for me even if I want her to be.

The Last Wish
Another big fantasy series, and another repeat entry, I've been meaning to get to The Witcher since the show started. I also recently downloaded The Witcher III game, so it is prime time for me to immerse myself into this world. And I mean really immerse myself because this is an 8 book series, but for now, one book will do as a start.

Night Film
This book looks like something that will grip me with its mystery. The only reason I haven't read this yet was because it is longer than I was expecting it to be. Sure, it is a standalone, but over 600 pages is a lot for a mystery thriller. I also feel like this is a mood book, and I haven't been in the mood yet. Hopefully, I will be something next year so I can check this book off my TBR.

I absolutely loved the movie and think that it does not get talked about enough. I had no idea it was a book though for the longest time, but I still didn't pick it up even when I knew. That needs to change this year because I want to see if the book is as good as the movie. Neil Gaiman is a hit-or-miss author for many people though, so I am really hoping this works for me.

Birthday Girl
One of the few non-fantasy novels on this list, and it is a romance to boot. I have heard nothing but good things about this book, even despite the forbidden nature of it due to the large age gap. I don't pick up romances often, but I really want this to live up to its expectations.

Elise Kova
I have had a few of her series pop up on my radar, but I have yet to delve into her work. Her books do seem like they would be something I like as YA fantasy usually works for me. Her series all seem to revolve around elemental magic as well which is exciting.

The Bone Season
The Priory of the Orange Tree was one of the first books I read when I started my reading journey, and I thought it was fantastic. So, frankly, it is a crime that I have yet to pick up her series, especially when I have seen good things about it. Is it smart of me to start a new series when it is still three books away from finishing, probably? Will I think it is worth it though, well, I will have to wait (and hope) and see.

And, finally, on this list, it is a major goal of mine for next year to read more comics. While I have read a good amount of manga, I went down a bit of a rabbit hole (that I am still stuck in) when I started to look up some manhwa to read. There are so many...so many, and most of them are ongoing as well. Next year, I want to just dive right into all of that because I think that I am going to have a great time reading all of it. I feel bad neglecting normal print books, but honestly, comics are just phenomenal.