Mythothon is a mythology-based readathon that is created and hosted by Foxes and Fairy Tales. It is a month-long readathon that is taking place in April, and I am very fortunate that I happened to look up the readathon out of curiosity and caught that this was happening.
I participated in Round 3 of this readathon, which was based around Celtic mythology, and I ended up missing the two rounds in between... but I am here now! This time around, the round is going to be based on Egyptian mythology - specifically the story of Osiris, Set and Isis.
For the readathon, you pick a team (Isis, Osiris or Set), and are given five prompts main you have to complete, which differ depending on which team you choose. Since there are only five prompts, I should have no problem getting through all of them. I am also going to keep my TBR extremely light for this, i.e. just reading some manga, since I am participating in other readathons as well as this one.
I have decided to go with team Osiris, just because he is the god of the dead, and they are always some of the best mythological figures.
Onto the prompts!
Underworld ✔
Prompt: read a book with a dark plotline
Book: Jujutsu Kaisen Vol.1
Completed: 28-Apr-2022
King of Egypt ✔
Prompt: read a book with royalty
Book: Jujutsu Kaisen Vol.2
Completed: 30-Apr-2022
Hidden ✔
Prompt: read a book set at sea
Book: Castle Swimmer S1
Completed: 09-Apr-2022
Rebirth ✔
Prompt: reread a book
Book: Jujutsu Kaisen Vol.3
Completed: 30-Apr-2022
Horus ✔
Prompt: read a sequel
Book: Jujutsu Kaisen Vol.4
Completed: 30-Apr-2022